
No More Capacity Restrictions

已发布 : Jul-11-2021


To: All Clergy, All Parishes, All Staff
From: Neil MacCarthy, Director, Public Relations & Communications
Date: July 9, 2021
Re: Step 3 of Provincial Reopening – July 16, 2021


This afternoon, the provincial government announced that Ontario will be moving to Step 3 as part of
the “Roadmap for Reopening” plan as of 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 16, 2021.

Step 3 does not include any capacity restrictions for places of worship, however, parishioners need to
maintain physical distancing of two metres (six feet) between those not from the same household. As
the physical distancing restrictions remain in place, capacity in the church proper will likely have little
impact based on current seating configurations.

We will be reviewing the Step 3 guidelines and sharing additional information early next week to
provide further guidance to parishes.

Thank you for your continued co-operation as we adapt to the next stage of reopening in Ontario.