

已发布 : Nov-20-2021




Dear _________________________,

The 25th Anniversary of the founding of St. Anne’s Parish was celebrated in the year 1998 with the theme “25 years of caring and sharing”. In the coming year 2023, we will be celebrating another important milestone as our parish family will be celebrating “50 years of caring and sharing”.

What stands out in our faith community is the “spirituality of stewardship” visible in our parishioners who demonstrate their accountability before God by giving generously of their time, talent, and treasure. Thirty-three active ministries and organizations are doing their share; while over 300 active families and parishioners continue to support our parish even now despite the hardships of the covid-19 pandemic. 

Our indomitable spirits seem to be unfazed as we plan and prepare for the commemoration of the founding of our church fifty years ago. Our Fiftieth Anniversary Steering Committee is lining up some programs, activities, and projects with the hope of making our celebration meaningful and fruitful. One important undertaking I would like to mention is the capital campaign which is a must for any parish celebrating such an important event. Fifty long years only mean our buildings and facilities have slowly deteriorated and need repairs or renovation. 

The Maintenance Committee has done a great job in keeping our physical plant in working order: replacement of furnace, boiler, and circulating motor of the furnace; installing led lights in our parking lot; church doors repairs and paint job; roof and parking lot repairs etc. The proposed projects for the upcoming anniversary year are: repainting the church and refinishing the church pews; new air-conditioners for the Pocock and Stevenson rooms; and more building repairs… The car garage project that had begun just as an idea more than twelve years ago will soon become a reality since we are on the verge of getting the building permit.

In connection with our upcoming anniversary projects, I wrote this letter to make a humble appeal asking you to pledge for one year only a monthly gift using the pledge card accompanying this letter. You may choose fifty dollars, one hundred fifty dollars, two hundred fifty dollars, or other (which would be any amount higher than the minimum pledge of fifty dollars). If you notice the symbolic number fifty is being used here to signify the church’s fifty years of existence. Our goal is $250,000.00 (two hundred fifty thousand dollars). Please drop the filled-in pledge card in the designated drop box during one of our Sunday Masses.

Looking forward to our parishioners once again coming together after being away pretty much due to lockdowns wrought by Covid-19. I am hoping that this great undertaking will unite us even more as one family of faith pooling our resources together.

Thank you in advance for your favourable response to this capital campaign. 

May St. Anne continue to intercede for you!

Prayerfully yours in Christ,


Fr. Joel B. Pabilona, Jr







My dear parishioners, we mailed our 50th-anniversary solicitation letters with pledge cards truly confident that you will respond in the spirit of caring and sharing. Our goal is $250,000.00. A monthly financial progress report will be provided accordingly.

Please submit in a sealed envelope, your filled-out pledge cards on or before December 15th. You may drop them in our offertory collection box in the foyer or in our collection basket during the offertory collection in our weekend and Sunday Masses. You also have the option of personally handing them over in our parish office during office hours.

There will be twelve golden anniversary envelopes included in your offertory envelope boxes for the next year 2022. They will be dated according to a special monthly second collection schedule. It is advised that you use, as much as possible, cheques instead of cash for record purposes. For those who would like to use a credit card, you may go to our parish website and click on the blue donate button (upper right corner of the landing page)… then click on the parish-offertory hyperlink and follow instructions. Make sure that you designate the donation for St. Anne’s 50th Anniversary otherwise, it will go to our offertory collection.

Your donations are eligible for tax receipts. Note that if you use the donate button on our website, the Archdiocese will be responsible for sending you tax receipts.

Pledge cards are also available at the foyer for our unregistered parishioners. The solicitation letter is posted above for your reading.

Thank you for your continued support. May St Anne continue to intercede for us…